I have been on a journey to improving my life every day trying to discover new ways in which to improve my life. It has been quite the journey. In what ways can you improve your health? I want to share 5 habits that can improve your life these 5 habits improved my life inside and out.
You can improve your small life with habits you do everyday. You will have to sleep more, get outside more often, try giving your body a break by fasting , drink more water and less alcohol and move more. Easy, right? .
I’m here to tell you I did not become a marathon runner or drink shots of wheatgrass every single day. What I did do was learn the delicate (and not so delicate) balance and beauty of our bodies, our homes that we live in every single day. And just like you would treat your house with care, you have to treat your body with care.
Here I will share with you my top 5 Habits that can Improve your Daily life to achieve a state of health, well being and ease. I say daily life because our life becomes so much of what we do on a daily basis. So it is important to note that just doing a few habits everyday or most days can help you improve your life.
#1. Improve your life by sleeping more

Sleep is your superpower. Sleep is the FOUNDATION of health. Without sleep, there is no health. There are now many studies on the deleterious consequences to our health when we don’t get enough sleep.
Some of these consequences include DNA damage, decreased immune function and higher risk of cognitive disorders like Alzheimers.
Much of our body processes depend on getting the right amount of sleep. Processes like regulating insulin, satiety levels, hunger levels, immunity and stress levels are some of the many processes that all require an adequate amount of sleep.
There is no aspect of wellness that replaces sleep. You cannot out run sleep. You cannot out diet bad sleep. Simply put, sleep is a non-negotiable fundamental aspect of health.
I highly recommend the book Why We sleep by Matthew Walker to change the way you think about sleep and to help you sleep better. Matthew Walker is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Some Small Habits to start sleeping better include:
- Go to bed half hour earlier
- Wind down with calming activities two hours before bedtime
- Go to bed at a consistent time and wake up at a consistent times
Also check out Dr.Walker’s Website
#2. Improve your life by Fasting more
Every single year Muslims all over the world fast from sunrise to sundown for 30 days., consuming one meal before sunrise and another after sunset. Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese scientist conducted a study where he discovered that when we starve for some time, the cells in our body go through a process called autophagy, where damaged cells are removed and new cells are made.
During the fast DNA is being repaired, inflammation is reduced and so many other repair processes are taking place.
Another method of fasting is intermittent fasting where you eat for a certain time period. Fasting is like giving the body a break and giving the body time to repair itself. It’s a truly wonderful concept. Fasting in general, immensely boosts your health and I have seen significant improvement since starting fasting.
To Learn More about intermittent Fasting you can go here
#3. Improve your Life by drinking more water

We need water to function our best. If you tend to feel sluggish throughout the day, you may be dehydrated. When our bodies and cells are dehydrated, we function poorly. It is an important daily habit to incorporate into your daily life.
While staying hydrated sounds simple, it is often overlooked and neglected. We are made up of 70% of water, and water helps to get rid of toxins and transports nutrients to cells.
Improve hydration by setting small habits.
Small habits include:
- getting a reusable water bottle and filling it up each morning and using it throughout the day. Keep it with you at all times. When the container is empty you know you accomplished your goal.
- choose water when going out to eat at restaurants
- Remember it is these small habits that add up to a large difference
To determine how much water to drink you can use this calculator.
#4. Improve your life by moving more

Just move for the sake of your well-being. Move every day, in any direction you like and your health will benefit immensely. Moving our bodies is great for our hearts and circulatory system, helps burn off the extra calories, helps us focus, and greatly improves overall health and well-being.
Find some kind of movement you love doing and do it. And don’t worry if you don’t love conventional forms of fitness, here are some noteworthy “non-conventional” fun forms of fitness.
You May love some of these fun exercises:
- Karate
- Boxing
- Walking
- Crossfit
- Pilates
- Kickboxing
- Zumba
- Strength training
Here are some of my favorite recommended workouts I love:
#5. Improve your life by getting outdoors more often

Go outside every single day! I made a commitment to get outside first thing in the morning as part of my healthy morning routine and it has greatly improved my health.
We tend to take the sun for granted. It’s just there… It is so easy to get stuck indoors doing work and before you know it it is time for dinner and the sun is setting. Humans spend 90% of their time indoors. That is not okay.
Getting sunlight first thing in the morning has been proven to improve mental health, improve sleep, improve focus and clarity and improve energy levels. Setting up a morning routine that involves being outdoors for some time is great way to start the day. We need to harness all the health benefits of the sun and make getting sunlight part of our daily routine. It is the only form of medicine therapy that is FREE!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! And let me know your favorite health and wellness tips!