Staying in shape and fit and healthy is not about how many workouts you can accomplish in a week, or how many miles you run a week. Staying in shape is even simpler than that. There are so many inexpensive ways to stay in shape.
I have a busy schedule that sometimes does not allow me to get my workouts in during the week. Sometimes I workout 5x a week, other weeks I am lucky if i even get two workouts.
You may think missing your workouts out is the end all be all, but i am here to tell that that its okay you cant workout everyday or every week. There are even simpler inexpensive ways to stay in shape and get in shape.
I have been able to keep off the 15 pounds I have lost this year , with these 5 inexpensive ways and I am going to share with you.
So what are some inexpensive ways to stay in shape?
Well first, everyone defines being in shape differently, but for me, being in shape means means having the energy to do things I want to do and having the mental and emotional stamina for life challenges aka positive mental health.
Whether you are a mom, dad, yogi or just started your fitness journey, try to implement these 5 tips to set you up for long term success!
Tip#1. I Always Take the stairs

This is one of the simplest ways to get some cardio in.
If you have stairs in your apartment complex, take them.
For those of you living in those high risers, even better! Ditch the elevator or escalator and climb your way up.
Go up the stairs several times a day and you’ve got a great lower body workout that works your glutes, hamstrings and calves. And if you are going in and out of your complex several times a day, those will all add up to a great amount of movement in one day.
Tip #2. I Meal Prep

Clock is itching, you are almost done with work and you realize you didn’t prepare dinner and you just need some time for yourself.
What do you do ?
Grab a quick snack , order something?
Whatever you do you, the last thing you feel like doing is cooking a healthy wholesome balanced meal.
I love meal prepping. The art of planning and preparing your meals ahead of time to ensure you make wise eating decisions later is the true meaning of setting yourself up for success.
On busy days where I don’t have time to workout or make meals, I used to just eat out.
When I discovered meal prepping I realized that meal prepping goes way beyond preparing meals. It is an efficient and effortless system that WORKS for you.
Meal prepping does not have to take long. Here are easy meal prep recipes that are super easy to prepare.
I know it can be very tempting to just order something for lunch , but remember it is much easier to practice self- control when you don’t have to use it often.
By meal prepping you ensure three things 1.) a healthy meal for yourself 2.) less hangry you come lunch time 3.) more money in your pocket
Treat yourself and Invest in some Durable Glass Meal Prep Containers
Related Reads: Healthy Wrap Recipes You Need To Try
Related Reads: Reduce Anxiety and Depression with these 10 Delicious Meals
Tip #3. I Walk, Run or Bike whenever I can

I find that it’s so much funner to walk or bike to a destination than it is to drive. Driving is overrated. We are built to move. If there are days where you’ll be sitting for the most of the day and know you won’t have any time to workout ,perhaps make the most of your commute by walking or biking or even rollerblading!
If the commute is too far, then make it a priority to move during your lunch break.
On days you have more time instead of driving to your friends house, consider a long walk with an amazing podcast or audible book. Not only are you saving the environment by lowering your carbon foot print, your are practicing self care.
Any type of movement will help you stay in shape even during those long work days where you don’t have time to workout.
Related Reads: Basic 7 Day Self Care Challenge
Tip #4. I Keep a reusable water bottle with me at all times( Hydration is key)

Staying hydrated is a huge part of staying fit. Whenever you are dehydrated your body is fatigued, and will confuse thirst signals for hunger signals , prompting you to mindlessly eat.
Often times, when we go out we forget to drink water. So it helps to bring a reusable water bottle when you go out to run errands or the grocery store. Not only are you saving the environment, but you are staying hydrated through all times of the day.
It is imperative to stay hydrated so that your body is at its best and you feel your best.
Drink1/2 gallon to one gallon of water a day. I can’t stress enough how important staying hydrated is throughout the day.
I have significantly noticed a difference in my weight loss and overall health when I drink enough water in the day.
My favorite reusable water bottle:Attach it to your hip(totally kidding, not really, I take this EVERYWHERE)
Related Reads: Weight Loss: 10 Things You Are Not Doing
Tip #5. I Eat Enough Protein

It is super important to eat enough protein every day. By eating foods that are rich in protein you will reduce your appetite, feel fuller, increase metabolism and help gain muscle.
A higher protein intake actually increases levels of the satiety hormones (hormones that make you feel full) and reduce your hunger hormones.
In order to get enough protein for my body and lifestyle, I have two servings of collagen protein powder every day and try to consume plenty of protein from whole foods and healthy animal protein and nut butters, like almond and peanut butter.
Some excellent healthy sources of protein examples are organic- pasture raised eggs, chicken, turkey, turkey bacon and salmon.
So make sure every meal includes at least one high-protein source.
You can use this calculator to determine how much protein you should be eating every day.
Related Reads: Weight Loss: 10 Things You Are Not Doing
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Just what I was looking for, thankyou for posting.