The Holy month of Ramadan is upon us in a few short days and I am excited. Are you looking for Ramadan quotes from the Quran .It is important to mentally prepare yourself for Ramadan so that you can focus on worship when Ramadan comes. It truly is the best time of the year and can be truly transformative if you put in the effort and time for spiritual reflection and prayer. Let us encourage each other and ourselves before Ramadan starts by getting into the spirit of Ramadan by reading some of these Ramadan Quotes fro the Quran
Here I will share with you a collection of 30 Ramadan quotes from the Quran, sayings and reflections that you can bookmark and keep handy to inspire and motivate you to have successful and productive Ramadan.

Ramadan is a small window in a year where Allah ties the shaytan up so that he will not be able to distract you with evil thoughts. May this Ramadan be the best one yet and allow it to change our hearts
Whoever does something good this month,Allah multiplies it by 70

Yasmin Mogahed
Make dua for your brother and sisters in Islam and Angels will make dua for you

The more you look into and understand yourself. The less judgmental you become towards others
Tariq Ramadan

Ramadan is like the rain, it nourishes the seeds of good deeds

like the sun that sets at the end of the day so too will Ramadan come and go, leaving only its mark on our hearts sky
Yasmin Mogahed

Everything is a metaphor. Everything is a sign and contains a lesson. Dont reflect on how quickly Ramadan came and went, without realizing that in this is a sign oh how quickly this life will come and go
Yasmin Mogahed

For a true Muslim, end of ramadan is not the end but the start of a new journey leading towards Jannah

Whatever is prayed for at the time of breaking the fast is granted and never refused

Even the hardest of hearts are softened in Ramadan. Dont miss this oppurtunity.
Mufti Menk

Ramadan. the month when you gradually start to realize that its not the devil. its you

What is taken by Allah is never lost.
Yasmin Mogahed

Remember Allah (Swt) is the most Merciful. Just because you are not able to stand in a masjid during the night, does not make your fast any less. Fasting is a pure act of obedience to God. Everything we do in this fasted state is rewarded. Every meal we miss, every cramp we feel is being rewarded. God doesn’t demand perfection. He asks that we try. And He will carry us, every time.