10 Sunday Reset Habits for a Productive Week

Sundays just come around so quickly. Don’t they? 

And you either love or hate Sundays, because typically you have to work the next day. 

I have learned to love Sundays, as the I believe the key to a successful week is a successful Sunday.

I’ve had those Mondays where I would wake up stressed, and overwhelmed and just overall disheveled. The kitchen is a mess, dirty dishes are everywhere, laundry baskets are full and your mind is just racing because you have to go to work. And there is nothing worse than that feeling. 

That feeling and mood can carry over into the entire week and spoil your entire week.  

To make my life a little bit easier and to set myself up for a great week, I do these 10 super simple, but powerful sunday habits for a productive week, or at least try to.

I encourage you to fill your Sunday up with some of the routine ideas I have written about below. The list includes nourishing activities that will provide calmness and clarity for your week ahead.

As it goes, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content. While it may sound cliche it is so true. 

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Some of the links are affiliate links, so I may receive a commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Check my disclosure for more info.

1. Go outside

The first thing I try to do on a Sunday is make my coffee of course. But after, if weather permits, I will go outside. Sundays were meant for outdoor activities. You have more time to spend outdoors than you would on a different day. Go to your local park and set up a picnic, rollerblade, go for a bike ride. The options are endless when you are outdoors! 

I LOVE rollerblading and will religiously do this until I can no more! It’s so much fun! 

2. Do your favorite workout before noon

For me it’s hot yoga. I’ve recently found hot yoga and have since been transformed. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Start your week with your favorite workout, whether it is hot yoga, Jiu Jitsu, rock climbing, spin class, choose a workout that you absolutely love. It will be sure to put you in the right headspace for the day, reduce stress and anxiety and boost your energy levels. 

3. Clean and Declutter Your Space

To set yourself up for success for the week, make sure to clean up your space so you are not always seeing a messy area. Clean and freshen up your bathroom, mirrors, countertops. Clean out that stain in the refrigerator that’s been there since Thanksgiving (I’m guilty). Waking up on Monday morning to a clean, fresh space will put your mind at ease and reduce stress levels and enable you to take on the day with a fresh start!

4. Create a workout plan

If you’re anything like me I have to exercise in the morning. Working out in the morning provides you with the positive ammunition you need and puts you in a motivated and proactive head space. With that said, I need to have my workout planned for the week or else I end up having a subpar workout or worse not working out at all. 

So I take my Sundays to develop a workout plan. I vary my workouts by incorporating many different kinds of exercise like pilates, HIIT, yoga, kickboxing. Diversifying your workouts will make working out at 7am FUN not dreadful.  

5. Do all your laundry 

Waking up to a mountain of laundry (clean or dirty ) first thing in the morning is stress inducing. Complete ALL your laundry on Sunday, from washing them to folding them to putting them away. Don’t leave any laundry task behind. I was guilty of this and would leave washed clothes unfolded for a couple days. It’s much better to wake up to a tidied up closet and an empty laundry basket, than a full laundry basket and a stockpile of clothes in the corner.

6. Eat Wholesome Foods/Meals/Snacks

Whenever I eat foods that are unhealthy such as fast food, processed food and foods high in sugar, I always feel the effects the day after. It’s the junk food hangover and it makes you feel sluggish, and unmotivated. While it’s very tempting to indulge in savory buttery cookies and treats over the weekend, try to be more mindful of what you are eating on Sunday. Indulge in foods and snacks that will nourish your body, elevate your mood, and reduce your stress levels to get you set up for the week ahead.

7. Meal Prep 

Preparing meals for the week on a Sunday is just so satisfying and therapeutic. It may be that I enjoy knowing that I will have meals for the week or it may be that I just love being in the kitchen because that’s where the food is. Where there’s food there’s me! 

Weekly meal prep will save you time and money and your health. Meal prepping ensures you are well fed throughout the week and reduces the stress of choosing what to eat for dinner or choosing what to pack for lunch. You can’t control everything that happens during the week, but you can control what you eat and as they say you are what you eat! So meal prep wholesome nutritious foods to keep you and your family energized and nourished. 

8. Take some time to journal and/or read

Stay away from your electronics like the TV and phone and immerse yourself into writing in a journal or reading a book. Both are soothing activities that promote relaxation and stimulate your brain. Writing in a journal is proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Getting lost in a book is great for mental stimulation and helps to improve focus. Both of these activities are super relaxing and can even help you fall asleep naturally. 

9. Take a bath and immerse yourself into self care beauty routine

Immersing myself in a bath is probably my favorite part of my Sunday routine. Taking a bath is one of the simplest and basic ways to truly unwind and promote relaxation. Put on your favorite tunes on bluetooth shower speakers, light some candles, grab your book and just wind down. It’s perfect to take a bath right before you sleep as it will help you sleep easier. See my self care guide for the best bath and spa day at home! 

10. Go to bed early

Going to bed early ensures you get a proper good night sleep to be energized and rested on Monday morning. I know it’s tempting to binge watch your favorite TV show until 12 am, but instead try to go to bed early to get at least 8 hours of sleep. You will feel so much better the next morning and leave you more motivated to start the week. Not getting adequate amounts of sleep leads to more cravings, mood instability and decreased immune function. So make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep!

So which routine idea will you start implementing into your Sunday?

Let me know in the comments below!

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