5 Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat Daily

Let’s talk about Inflammation. What is inflammation? What does inflammation do to the body? What foods cause inflammation? There is so much to know about inflammation and here I break it down simply.

Inflammation- It’s kind of a big deal these days and rightfully so. There are a plethora of studies describing how chronic inflammation is the root cause for so many illnesses and diseases such as arthritis, depression, heart disease and diabetes to name a few. And while there are medications for inflammation, it is best to stick to natural anti inflammatory foods for humans ways to reduce inflammation. Here are 5 most powerful anti-inflammatory foods to eat daily.

5 Most POWERFUL Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Eat Daily

I have been on a journey to reduce inflammation in my body and have found that the more I cut out inflammatory foods and added more anti-inflammatory foods the better I felt. 

I was having more restful sleep, less joint pain, clearer skin, weight loss and was more energetic throughout the day. I no longer had that mid- day crash. Quite literally.  If you know, you know.

The idea behind an anti-inflammatory diet is simple. Here are some signs that you may have chronic inflammation

What are some signs that you may have chronic inflammation

  • Constant fatigue even when you felt like you slept well 
  • Body pains and aches 
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Unable to lose weight or gain weight
  • Have an autoimmune disease
  • Insomnia 

If you experience some of these then you may have chronic inflammation in your body. 

But don’t fret, I will share with you 5 anti-inflammatory foods to eat everyday to help reduce inflammation and greatly boost your overall wellness, as it did mine. Be sure to add the foods below to your grocery list for an anti-inflammatory diet

Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own.

#1. Berries 

A handful of berries a day keeps the inflammation away. Be it blueberries,strawberries, raspberries, any kind of berries.

So small, but so full of polyphenol compounds called anthocyanins (so sciencey I know) that are proven to reduce inflammation and prevent diseases like Alzhemiers, cancer and cardiac disease. Not only do they reduce inflammation but they boost your immune system as well.

Pro-Tip: Always have a bag of frozen berries in your freezer to throw in a smoothie. 

Ways to Incorporate Berries:

#2. Dark Leafy Greens

I’m talking about Kale, spinach, artichoke, arugula just  to name a few. Leafy greens  are so abundant in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that all reduce inflammation. They are high in minerals like magnesium, which is shown to fight inflammation

Ways to Incorporate Leafy Greens

  • Make a salad
  • Add them to your omelet 
  • Make a stir fry
  • Smoothies

There are so many ways to incorporate leafy greens so there’s no excuse to not be eating them!

#3. Seeds

Seeds are tiny truly superfoods that play a major role in reducing inflammation. 

The kinds of seeds I am talking about are flax seeds,chia seeds and hemp seeds which all contain omega 3 fatty acids ( EPA and DHA), which aid in reducing inflammation.

Omega 3 fatty acids are not made in the body so we must get them from our diet.They play a critical role in brain,heart health and have been shown to help with even fighting depression and anxiety. 

There are so many foods that have omega-3s, but I think seeds are such an easy way to get them in because you can add them into nearly anything. 

Toss these seeds into salads, yogurt bowls, oatmeal bowls, smoothies and you got yourself a wholesome, nutritious anti-inflammatory meal. 

Other sources of foods high in Omega-3s include

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Walnuts
  • Trout
  • Mackerel 

#4. Avocado

You will be doing your body a major service when you include avocados into your daily diet.

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated heart healthy fats that help reduce cholesterol and reduce inflammation.  They contain a lot of fiber and  B vitamins and potassium. 

Add them to your smoothies, toss them in a salad or make some guacamole! 

Fun Fact: avocado is a fruit

#5. Ginger

Ginger has been used for centuries and it’s no wonder. It’s super flavorful and zings your taste buds. Ginger contains a compound called gingerol that is anti-inflammatory and reduces pain. It has so many anti-inflammatory properties and even supports digestive health by reducing constipation and curing nausea.

My favorite way to incorporate ginger is grating fresh ginger into hot water and lemon into your favorite mug and let it seep for a couple minutes. Then go ahead and sip!

I hope you found this helpful and wish you well on your journey to reducing inflammation! Fell free to share this with your friends and family!

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